High asset divorces are particularly difficult for all parties involved and require more time and care than an average family law matter.
In a high-asset divorce, the family lawyer will need to conduct a thorough investigation so as to gain an accurate picture of the marital property. He or she will then need to hire outside professionals, including real estate appraisers, forensic accountants, and financial planners, to glean insight as to the true value of the assets.
The Family Law Act provides the legal framework governing property settlements and rights for de facto couples, ensuring they have similar rights to married couples. This act is particularly relevant in high asset divorces as it influences the division of assets, including business interests, during divorce or separation proceedings.
If you and your spouse have considerable assets, consult with an experienced Chatswood Family Lawyer. The lawyers at Chatswood Family Lawyers will provide unwavering legal support throughout the duration of the divorce process and fight to protect your legal and financial interests. It is crucial to seek legal advice to navigate the complexities of high asset divorces effectively.
When you work with the legal team at Chatswood Family Lawyers, you will receive the help of more than just your lawyer – you will have the advice and support of a number of financial experts who will aid in the valuation of your marital assets and ensure that your financial resources are safeguarded.
If you suspect that your spouse has hidden assets, a forensic accountant can trace investments and withdrawals and locate them. A financial planner can provide a thorough analysis of you and your spouse’s assets and liabilities so that the judge will have a clear picture of each of your financial standing.
It is crucial to identify and manage the asset pool, which includes business interests, family trusts, and superannuation, to ensure equitable distribution between the parties involved.
In high asset family law matters, the judge will need a valuation of all marital property, including assets such as:
Complete and honest disclosure of all relevant financial documents is essential to promote transparency and facilitate agreement during the legal proceedings.
A family lawyer who has experience in dealing with high asset cases can assist you in evaluating your case and advise you on what to do next to advance your best interests.
Chatswood Family Lawyers has extensive experience dealing with high-asset family law cases throughout the North Shore, Greater Sydney, and its environs.
If you and your spouse have a considerable amount of assets together, we recommend consulting with Chatswood Family Lawyers prior to taking any additional steps as far as your property settlement and family law case are concerned.
An experienced family lawyer will guide you on the best way to proceed with your family law matter and protect your best interests at the same time. Securing your financial future is crucial, and our lawyers will help you navigate the complexities involved.
To schedule a consultation with one of our family lawyers, contact our law firm today online, by email at enquiries@chatswoodfamilylawyers.com.au or by phone at (02) 9412 4500 to set up your consultation.
We can meet with you at our office or discuss your case with you over the phone. We pride ourselves on our accessibility and make certain to help each and every client in a timely manner. Our goal is to achieve a fair and just outcome for all parties involved.