Usually you won’t bother engaging a divorce lawyer or family law firm until you are entangled in a divorce however if you look at the statistics where 1 in 3 marriages end in divorce then it would be prudent to obtain that family law advice early. You would then be able to avoid many issues that may cause a high conflict separation.
Attending on a family lawyer at the commencement of the relationship is far from anyone’s thoughts given that things are going well with your new partner and the thought of a future high conflict divorce seems devoid of logic.
However, when parties are amicable, this is the very time that you should seek to try to come to an agreement in the event that there is a breakdown of a relationship. You can do this at the commencement of the relationship in order to protect your assets and to avoid a high conflict separation in the event that there is a breakdown through a binding financial agreement which is also known as a ‘pre-nup’.
If you are already getting a divorce or have broken up or likely to break up then there are some really important tips on what you should definitely do.